Welcome to my 2016 year review. Its almost obligatory for us photographers to do a little run through of their year in weddings and it does always prove quite therapeutic, even through the task seems so mammoth to begin with.
Looking back through, I realise the simpler the photo, the more it works for me. I'm not entirely sure what I mean by simple, but perhaps its a sort of purity in connection between the couples, a clean composition and an expression or a moment that doesn't look for an explanation - it just 'is'.
I've had an incredible year and weddings have been such a huge part of my photography journey. I am eternally grateful to all the couples and those individuals who have supported me thus far. I have so much love I want to express back to you, thank you for all of it. This time last year, I opened my small photography studio in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham. I'm proud to say that this happy sanctuary has encouraged my creativity, productivity and also been the host to many client meetings. Every morning I walk in and breathe in the sunshine coming over the city landscape, I feel like I'm home. Bliss.
You too are very welcome to come visit me any time you like, my door is always open (figure of speech).
Here's a small selection of what 2016 looked like: